Management Rights Owners
Owning a management rights business is different to owning other businesses. You need a dedicated lawyer by your side who knows their way around this unique business model and the complex laws associated with it.
Shane Devenish practices exclusively in the areas of management rights and body corporate law. Whether you are a first time management rights buyer or a seasoned industry veteran, you will benefit from Shane’s passion, experience and in-depth knowledge to help you navigate the range of legal issues unique to management rights businesses including dealings with the body corporate, reviewing and varying agreements and of course buying and selling.
Shane is a member of the Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association (ARAMA).
If you find yourself involved in a dispute we can help with that too. Click here for more details.
Please scroll down for full details of our services. Please contact us to discuss how you can benefit from our knowledge and experience.
- Management rights purchases
- Management rights sales
- Management rights top ups
- Advice on dealings with body corporate including all disputes
- Variations to Caretaker Agreements and Letting Agent Authorisations
- Financing arrangements including Gallery Vie amendments
- Drafting new Caretaking Agreements and Letting Agent Authorisations or review and update of existing agreements
- Management rights – responding to remedial action notices
- Advice on the Property Occupations Act, Form 6 and resident letting agent and real estate licence issues